The Amazing Geology
A blog about geology; engineering geology and geotechnical engineering Un blog sur la géologie, la géologie de l'ingénieur et la géotechnique.
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River Erosion, Transport and Deposition
Describes the processes of erosion, transport, and deposition by running water Source
Terzaghi : Movement of loosened rock toward a tunnel
Terzaghi's concept of movement of loosened rock toward a tunnel and transfer of rock load
La fonte du pergélisol -- the melting of the permafrost -- Techniques
Fonte du pergélisol sous les fondations de bâtiments donnant lieu à des tassements différentiels (DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENTS UNDER FOUNDAT...
Soil forming processes
Today we will talk about a bit of rock weathering and soil forming processes. We can start by saying that weathering processes are most se...
Mass movements
Mass movements Different mass movements occur on slopes under different conditions. We'll look at four types; rockfall, mudflo...
Geologists Discover New layer in Eart's Mantle
Geologists Discover New Layer in Earth’s Mantle Mar 24, 2015 by New research led by Dr Hauke Marquardt of the Un...
The collapse of the building in Shanghai (27 / 06 / 2009)
To realize how the geotechnical engineering's job is important, we sometimes need to take a look at some building disasters and try to ...
Geotechnical engineering : one picture test
Are you a geotechnical engineer, a structural engineer, or a geologist ? Take the test ! What aspect of this picture did you feel MOST...
Différents types de barrages en terre : Earth Dams
A) Homogeneous Dam B and B') Zoned Dams C) Rockfill Dam Source : thèse Delacquis 1985 " Etude géotechnique des sé...
Suspended load -- Bedload
Bedload : ensemble des particules en mouvement par roulement, traction et saltation sur le lit d'un cours d'eau. Il s'agit gén...
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Mass movements
Slope creep
Terzaghi : Movement of loosened rock toward a tunnel
River Erosion, Transport and Deposition
Drawing a Geologic Cross Section
Schematic cartoon of the subsurface beneath a soak...
Suspended load -- Bedload
Engineering geology in hot deserts
Settlement: Fundamentals of Soil Compressibility
Différents types de barrages en terre : Earth Dams
La fonte du pergélisol -- the melting of the perma...
Incroyable "Tsunami de boue"
'Wandering stones' of Death Valley explained
Geotechnical engineering : one picture test
How to read a geologic map, parts 1, 2 and 3
Structural Geology, parts 1 and 2
Folds, Dip and Strike
Extreme Soil Liquefaction
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Popular Posts
River Erosion, Transport and Deposition
Describes the processes of erosion, transport, and deposition by running water Source
Terzaghi : Movement of loosened rock toward a tunnel
Terzaghi's concept of movement of loosened rock toward a tunnel and transfer of rock load
La fonte du pergélisol -- the melting of the permafrost -- Techniques
Fonte du pergélisol sous les fondations de bâtiments donnant lieu à des tassements différentiels (DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENTS UNDER FOUNDAT...
Soil forming processes
Today we will talk about a bit of rock weathering and soil forming processes. We can start by saying that weathering processes are most se...
Mass movements
Mass movements Different mass movements occur on slopes under different conditions. We'll look at four types; rockfall, mudflo...
Geologists Discover New layer in Eart's Mantle
Geologists Discover New Layer in Earth’s Mantle Mar 24, 2015 by New research led by Dr Hauke Marquardt of the Un...
The collapse of the building in Shanghai (27 / 06 / 2009)
To realize how the geotechnical engineering's job is important, we sometimes need to take a look at some building disasters and try to ...
Geotechnical engineering : one picture test
Are you a geotechnical engineer, a structural engineer, or a geologist ? Take the test ! What aspect of this picture did you feel MOST...
Différents types de barrages en terre : Earth Dams
A) Homogeneous Dam B and B') Zoned Dams C) Rockfill Dam Source : thèse Delacquis 1985 " Etude géotechnique des sé...
Suspended load -- Bedload
Bedload : ensemble des particules en mouvement par roulement, traction et saltation sur le lit d'un cours d'eau. Il s'agit gén...